How Do Nascar Drivers Poop
How do NASCAR drivers relieve themselves if the urge comes during the races? Is there a device in the driver suit or do they wait till the end of the race. Thanks for any info you may have. Feb 27, 2013 - It's the biggest question Daytona 500 champ Jimmie Johnson -- and every other NASCAR driver -- faces during a grueling 3-4 hour race.
Do Nascar Drivers Use Catheters
This was from a local Nascar talk show this evening. The host assured that the following is 100% real and is exactly what drivers go through. Some are odd and others are serious business. Nearly 35% of the drivers(43 in a race) have some form of Travelers' Diarrhea during and after the race. Mainly after the race. At least 4 drivers actually poop in their fire suit at some point during the race.
Do Nascar Drivers Poop Their Pants
Nearly 80% of the drivers urinate in their fire suit during a race. At least 1 driver throws up during a race. Free online plagiarism checker with percentage unlimited words. At least 6 after. 90% of the drivers endure varying levels of carbon monoxide inhalation. Prison break download. 25% of the drivers experience an erection at some point during the race.